Posts Tagged ‘sons’

OCALA – A mother accused of showing her sons naked pictures of herself and men engaged in sex acts was arrested Tuesday and charged with lewd and lascivious molestation and exposing minors to obscene materials, according to authorities. The investigation into the 36-year-old woman began last month, when the Department of Children and Families was investigating an accusation that the children had been physically abused. One of the children told DCF that his mother had shown him photographs on the computer of her engaged in sex acts with men. After seeing the photographs, the juvenile claimed his mother rubbed his inner thigh and asked him, “Do you want to try this when you get older,” the arrest report said. The juvenile’s brother told the DCF investigator a similar story. The boys are ages 11 and 12. One of them claimed his mother had punched him in the shoulder and arm several times; the other said she punches him when she’s mad. Based on the information, Marion County Sheriff’s Inspector Mike Mongeluzzo obtained a search warrant for the home, where they seized CDs, DVDs and other electronics. At the time, she denied the allegations, the report said. Her name is withheld to avoid identifying her sons. Examining the equipment, officials noticed that the alleged pictures had been deleted during the DCF investigation. The woman was again questioned by Mongeluzzo, and she denied the allegations. She was then arrested and transported to the Marion County Jail. Her attorney, Charles Holloman, said the accusations are “absurd,” that they stem from the woman’s “overly possessive former spouse” who “refuses to let go” and that the children have admitted their father told them what to say.

OK, let’s get past the fact that, if true, this is a slut of epic proportions who tried to coax her sons into stuffing her like Chinese fingercuffs.  Obviously that’s all sorts of wrong.  But we can’t judge the level of fucked up until we know exactly what ‘engaged in sex acts win men’ means.  Were these pictures a slideshow with a different longstroking dude in each, or did this pictorial detail mom in various gang-bangs with hands & dicks all over her?  I mean if my mom shared her private Facebook album with me and it was one different dude tagged in each pic, that’d be understandable.  No, ma, I didn’t need to see you saddling up for some reverse cowgirl while Paco palms your cans, but I can respect the fact that you’re a fan of the cock.  If it wasn’t for your salacious lust for dong I wouldn’t be blogging right now, so thank you.  Just tell me which one’s my dad and let’s move on.  However, if she’s clicking through while rubbing my inner-thigh and there’s a tag list that’s got more male names than the Stanley Cup in every photo, I’m gonna need the DCF ASAP because I’m not DTF.  I gnawed on those nips as a tike and was unimpressed, as evidenced by the lack of a tent in my diaper (from what I remember).  Plus, I’m a little weirded out you can’t just be a regular whore like your standard everyday chick.

P.S. – If your mom is Pam Anderson in her prime, you’re at least (or at best?) hesitating a great deal before you shoot down her advances.  I’m talking like a day or two to whip up a pros & cons list.  Don’t pull that “it’s my mom, doesn’t matter what she looks like” crap with me.